Bikes are everywhere on 30A. Really, everywhere. On the bike path, on the street, on the sidewalks, parked here and there. Scroll down to the bottom of this page and see my summer picture of Seaside and you'll get the drift of what I'm saying. I've had my bike for well, a very long time. I used to ride it with a pack of social riders in Orlando (I wore the padded pants for comfort because we rode for about 35 miles a ride but not the tight shirt). I know we would irritate people on the road with us. Not because we were going fast or slow but that we were their at all. But it was so nice to see Orlando's beautiful side, Winter Park in particular, on a bike. I choose to ride on the bike path here because there is one and because I go pretty slow and have little chance in running into a pedestrian. When I drive my car down 30A I get irritated at the bikers on the road...I do. Even though I once was one, but I can catch myself...what's the hurry anyhow? Give them plenty of space and remember that what they are doing is just right for 30A. I sincerely wish us all happy riding now that the season has warmed up and hope we all stay safe, relax, be mindful of each other and have fun. Me too.
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