Good to the Beach
There are some people and organizations that are just plain good to the beach and they deserve mention.
Hands Across The Sand If you live in Florida you should know how important the beaches are to all of us. Even if you don't give a hoot about the turtles, you just have to understand the the sense of protecting our beaches. I'm proud to say the Hands Across the Sand group started on this very coast. Dave Rauschkolb rocks.
Just look at that water, look at that sand.
I'll stand up for this cause any time.
Another group dedicated to our beaches is natures best friend, the always passionate South Walton Community Council. Thanks to the good work of this organization, somebody is watching out for what people love about SoWal more than anything, the natural grace. SWCC sponsors the beach clean-up after the 4th of July and Back to Nature in October. Both fine events involving dedicated people that I think are very "good to the beach".
No one loves the water more than the Surfriders. This organization is our first line of information about what is going on in the gulf. Heroes on so many levels, these people are dedicated to our water. No one gets any closer than they do.
And they have saved some lives too!
But maybe my favorite group is South Walton Turtle Watch. The volunteers go out every morning during nesting season and check the beach for new nests. They mark them and even move them if they are in a problem area. These people are dedicated. I have never had the pleasure of seeing the hatchlings come out of the nest but I hear it is quite an experience.
Hands Across The Sand If you live in Florida you should know how important the beaches are to all of us. Even if you don't give a hoot about the turtles, you just have to understand the the sense of protecting our beaches. I'm proud to say the Hands Across the Sand group started on this very coast. Dave Rauschkolb rocks.
Blue Mtn Beach Hands Across the Sand |
Just look at that water, look at that sand.
I'll stand up for this cause any time.
Another group dedicated to our beaches is natures best friend, the always passionate South Walton Community Council. Thanks to the good work of this organization, somebody is watching out for what people love about SoWal more than anything, the natural grace. SWCC sponsors the beach clean-up after the 4th of July and Back to Nature in October. Both fine events involving dedicated people that I think are very "good to the beach".
No one loves the water more than the Surfriders. This organization is our first line of information about what is going on in the gulf. Heroes on so many levels, these people are dedicated to our water. No one gets any closer than they do.
And they have saved some lives too!
But maybe my favorite group is South Walton Turtle Watch. The volunteers go out every morning during nesting season and check the beach for new nests. They mark them and even move them if they are in a problem area. These people are dedicated. I have never had the pleasure of seeing the hatchlings come out of the nest but I hear it is quite an experience.