Beaches of South Walton-Seaside

We had breakfast with friends in Seaside yesterday at a place called Great Southern. Good food, (I had a dish that involved a fried green tomato which always makes me happy) and good service. Seaside is famous for a couple of significant things. It is, if not the first, then one of the first examples of New Urbanism, and The Truman Show was filmed there. It is quaint and the town area is lively. We don't go there too often, certainly not too often during the summer season because it is really packed with people not only staying there but just taking a look at it for the day. It only has one main street which is also the main street for us to get to our closest grocery store so sometimes it's an adventure dodging pedestrians when you have to go get some bread. But it is a special place and we always show it off to visitors. The Seaside Rep theatre and Sundogs book store, the Raw & Juicy stand and Bud n Alleys are examples of why the community is special. My favorite fun fact about it is that all the houses have picket fences and each and everyone is unique. We will start biking over there again during the fall and winter and I will chronicle one of our favorite bike rides in the next weeks.


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