Preaching the morning gospel

Having taken a hiatus from blogging, (just haven't been in the mood for some reason), it feels like it is time to go back to making these journal entries of life in south Walton. It's spring break and the crowds are here to spend money and act out but early in the morning the beach is magical for those of us not interested in the midday sun or presenting a new bathing suit (and all that goes along with that). The world is a better place because I gave up any hope of finding a bathing suit I look good in. At this age, swim shorts paired with an "active wear" top is my best alternative for beach attire. Long flowing gauze would be better but not so easy to swim in. Anyhow, as I always preach, the morning is good for watching the shore life in their most natural state with no children or dogs chasing them (not that there is anything wrong with that but their is). The loons and the ducks will be all be gone soon but the terns and plovers will stay around and the gulls never leave of course. Like looking at the night sky on a clear night helps you see your place in the universe, standing at the edge of the water helps you to see your place in the world. We are awfully little in the scheme of things. It's a good reminder not to sweat the small stuff.

It was a rainy winter and unusually cold. The wetness looks like it will give us a bumper crop of blackberries and the Rosemary crop is particularly nice this year. The daffodils are happy and each one, with it's cheerful yellow makes gives me a dose of happy that lasts at least 15 minutes. Next, I'll be interested to see how the Blue Lupine liked the winter; they should be blooming pretty soon. Our spring season is always too quick for me so I must get out there and enjoy it.

Note to self: don't sweat the small stuff.

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