30A is united once again

South Walton's 30A runs somewhere around 20 miles in length and according to the TDC says we have about 16 beach towns. But when you live here it's more like 30A is the "town". We do have several beach neighborhoods, with distinctly different flavors but united we are 30A. So when the road was blocked at Big Redfish Lake, I think we all felt a little out of sorts being cut-off from each other. So I'm so happy that the county commissioners, with a little help from an influential Blue Mountain Beach neighbor, the road has been repaired, at least for the short term. The repair looks good and feels safe enough when I drove over it about 2 hours after it opened. It was good to be reconnected. The repair will give the BCC the needed time to get the permits in order to fix it with a bridge. We all know permitting anything takes a lot of time, I'm betting a year, and so it is terrific  that the repair was made swiftly. 

Thank you Walton County commissioners, influential neighbors, and the road crew and public works personnel that made it happen so quickly.


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